How to go viral on Youtube and TikTok with Eric Struk

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What's the best platform to go viral and monetise? There's no better person to ask than Eric Struk. He has built a combined audience of almost 10 million on both TikTok and YouTube and has now found a successful niche in travel content.

In this episode of Creators on Air, we talk about what makes a video go viral, how to find your value as a creator and the difference between monetising on TikTok vs. YouTube.

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Episode Transcript

Akta: Today's episode is sponsored by Story Blocks. As a content creator, sometimes you'll find yourself in a situation where you need B-roll sound effects, music images, or motion graphic templates, but you might not have the time or budget to create them yourself. If that sounds familiar, then check out story blocks.

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TikTok and short form content has changed the game for video creators, but is it really the best way to build an audience and a creative business? And if you don't enjoy making TikTok videos, Are you missing out on a big opportunity?

Eric: I think on average, YouTube is a lot more focused around community.

I still think on TikTok you can have a community, but I don't think they care as much. 

Akta: Eric has organically built an audience on both platforms with 7.7 million followers on TikTok and over 1 million subscribers on YouTube. He gives us an insight on the differences between TikTok and YouTube covering everything from creating video content to doing sponsored content.

Eric: It's actually funny, the channel I'm on now started as a gaming channel. It used to be called Eric Struk Gaming, and I started doing Minecraft content and Minecraft shorts. Um, I actually grew the channel completely from zero, so even be, being able to change it from like gaming to travel was like crazy. Um, I think it's really up to the creator though.

It's more of a personal decision. I think it's okay to do a bunch of different things. For me, it came down to, okay, like what, what can I really do Minecraft full term? Like long term here? Does it make sense to, um, and I just wasn't passionate about it. So then I decided to do travel. Um, in terms of TikTok, I kind of, now I basically just use it as reposting because the way the platform's kind of structured, it's very oriented towards like businesses and I mean, organic content still does well, but.

As someone who's trying to be a full-time YouTuber and like really grow the YouTube side of things, it's hard to carry an audience over from one platform to another because, for example, TikTok wants their users to stay on their platform. So if you're posting a video being like, Hey, like go to my YouTube channel.

Go to my Instagram, like, They don't want those people carrying over. Mm-hmm. So I've kind of just made the executive decision, like YouTube takes a lot of effort, so I'm gonna put all my resources into growing that platform as opposed to like trying to carry them over from different places. And which 

Akta: platform have you found more easier to grow 

Eric: on?

I find, I mean, they're both, they're not easy in any way. I mean, it's, it's kind of like relative, cause I've been doing it for so long, like I kind of know what works to someone who's new. I'd probably say TikTok, just because it's very oriented towards organic, kind of low production content. Like it's just like very, just off the rip, like what you're doing kind of stuff.

Um, I personally like the way YouTube is structured because when I make videos I try and keep them a certain length, especially with like shorts for example. So every single one of my shorts is between 35 and 50 seconds. So I kind of know like what markers I need to hit for a video to go viral. Mm-hmm.

So like if I post a 42nd video on shorts and it gets like 80% retention and above, it's gonna hit a million views. But I could post that same exact video on TikTok and it could get like 20 K views, which is just weird because each platform treats the content differently. Yeah. But yeah, I just, I personally lean towards YouTube, in my 

Akta: opinion.

And what have been your kind of growth strategies? Like how have they differed between TikTok and YouTube? Like how strategic have you had to been reach platform? 

Eric: So TikTok I found very frustrating in my opinion. Um, because there'd be times where I'd be doing a series on TikTok for like two weeks. Yeah.

And then the app would literally update and I'd see it updated in the app store to a new version. And I wouldn't change anything about the series, but then just all of a sudden just wouldn't do well. So like the videos would be in like 500 K views, 400 K views, million views, and like 15 K. And I'm like, I didn't change anything.

But there was this, there's an update. Mm-hmm. Um, In terms of YouTube, my kind of strategy has been do short form and law form, but not competing with people like Mr. Beast or those kind of YouTubers. Um, there were a few of my videos where I started doing that and doing like challenges, but it wasn't really personally fulfilling.

So my current strategy is kind of finding, finding niches that have a super good core community. So right now it's like travel and airlines and stuff. There's like a lot of airline enthusiasts, but looking at the existing content there, it's not updated. It's still very much like five years ago, YouTube, very vlog style, which isn't bad, it's just older demographics.

Mm-hmm. So I'm basically trying to find these sub niches and introduce like a norm, a new form of content. I'm trying to bring in like a faster pace, entertainment focused content into like airlines and travel. Um, and somehow I've been able to find success with it. Yeah, I mean, 

Akta: definitely. You had a viral video about eight months ago, so it was about you flying with the worst airline, which did amazing.

What do you think makes a video go viral on YouTube versus on TikTok? 

Eric: TikTok, it's a little bit like a lottery machine is probably the best, the be the best way I've heard it explained and the best way I've kind of. You know, I see it too, like it's very hard to know what goes viral. A lot of it's just like shock value to be honest.

Right. It's shock value. Like really effective hooks that are pretty click Beatty, to be quite honest. Um, I find especially YouTube on longform, there needs to be, obviously there's an element of shock value and clickbait or whatnot. Like, I flew the world's worst airline. Like people wanna see that. They're like, what's the airline like?

I wanna check it out. Um, but especially with like law form YouTube, you have to be able to tell a story in some capacity. You have to be able to keep the viewer because it's not like a 32nd TikTok. You have to keep someone there for like eight minutes. 15 minutes. So like you have to really build out a beginning to end.

Um, so that's what I've been doing. So you are still making 

Akta: short form content as well on YouTube as well as long form content. How do you change your editing? To make it more of an engaging long-term, long form video or short form video. Like does your editing differ or like the way you approach editing differ?

Eric: That's actually a really interesting question cuz it's what I'm going through right now. Oh right. So, With Shortform, I had always been doing like super, just fast-paced editing, just like constant cuts, like no breathing room. But recently with my longform videos, I've been noticing like I don't need to be super fast-paced.

I've been paying more attention to like what my audience is watching them, and I think my, especially on my travel stuff, I think that my primary audience is like 35 to 44 year olds, so it doesn't make sense to do these like super quick cuts. So I've actually been making a conscious effort to like, Slow the videos down so it's more digestible.

Yeah. Um, and there's also other things like with short form, it's like a lot more of like sound effects and stuff like that, like more fast paced. I try and do, but in the long form I'm trying to work towards making it more cinematic, making it more. Docu style. That's kind of the end goal, but I'm definitely like, in that transition period, like I'm, I'm only starting to get into that, so probably in a year I'll get there, but we're, we're still in the learning process on that one.

No, I feel like 

Akta: I've watched your videos and I think they're really engaging, like, what do you think makes a good video regardless of whether you are creating on YouTube or, or TikTok, like what keeps viewers watching? 

Eric: I think there's two sides of that. I think it could be broken down into people who are really good at telling stories and people who just have like a very contagious personality.

For example, like a creator like Ksi, Logan Paul, like those people, they don't necessarily need to have a super structured story. They're just infectious personalities and people like them. For them, I'm not really this like extrovert person, like I'm very introverted. So with my videos, I put like a lot of focus onto planning, how it's gonna be edited, how it's gonna be paste, and like, just like really trying to build out a story because I, I'm like, I'm, I'm self-aware enough to know, like I'm not this super extroverted person, so I have to kind of take the other route.

Um, so I think those are the two things, either being able to tell a super good story. Personality. And if you could do both, then that's like a grand slam. Yeah. 

Akta: And do you think it's possible to build the same type of community on TikTok as it is YouTube? Because you mentioned that you are. Kind of shifting your focus more towards YouTube.

So I'm wondering what the reason 

Eric: is for that. I think on average, YouTube is a lot more focused around community. I still think on TikTok you can have a community, but I don't think they care as much, if that makes sense. Yeah. Unless you're like a Charlie de Emilio, like actual celebrity. I don't think they're that authentic.

Mm-hmm. Um, at least in my experience, like there's been times on TikTok where I'd try and do merch or I'd try and do something outside of TikTok and then it's like, okay, like I have all these people watching these videos and people being like, oh, this is awesome. But then it just doesn't convert at all.

Right. Um, but then on the flip side, ever since I've been doing YouTube and stuff, like I'll like get emails from people being like, you should do this. Like, like just contacting me from external places, just being like, Hey, you should do this. I think you should do this video together. They're like, oh, this video did this much for me.

Um, so I found it a lot easier to build a committee on YouTube. It's also comes down to the fact like when someone's watching like an eight to 15 minute video view, it's a lot easier to build a connection than just a bunch of random, like 32nd videos. Um, I think, I think there's just more of a genuine connection on YouTube as opposed to TikTok.

But I think both platforms have the ability to build some sort of community. And 

Akta: is that why you shifted focus to YouTube? Or was 

Eric: there another reason? Um, the reason why I switched to YouTube personally, I, I might get backlash for it, but it's like, I don't, like, I don't like the way TikTok treats its creators.

I really don't. Um, for example, they don't want to do, especially in Canada, they don't want to do creator fund at all, so they don't wanna pay their creators. So essentially people are just making content for free. Um, I actually had a conversation with one of the higher ups at TikTok in Canada, and I asked him the question like, are you gonna do the creator fund in Canada?

You've been promising this for two years. Like, where is it? And he said to me, oh, we would rather give creators the opportunity to build their own stores with Shopify and like third parties. I'm like, so you don't want to support your creators on your own? Cuz it would cut into their margins. Mm-hmm. And then on the other hand, you have YouTube where there's ad sense, there's the new, there used to be the Shortz Fund, but now it's just straight ads sense.

And even though like sometimes it might not necessarily be a lot, at least someone could actually get paid for their work. Yeah. Just by posting on TikTok you don't get that. So like, You're just posting for free at the end of the day. And then what TikTok will always tell creators is like, oh, just post more, post more.

And then creator's like, okay, whatever. But on the flip side, on the business side, that's what they want. Cuz then people are subject to more ads and whatnot. Um, so that was the main reason why I switched as well. TikTok introduced new ad policies. Where if you do a branded campaign and have hashtag ad, the video gets absolutely throttled unless the company puts budget behind it, like ad budget and YouTube just doesn't do that.

For example, I posted a ad on my YouTube shorts that got 19 million views and that would just never happen on TikTok because you, as soon as you do hashtag ad, you have to put ad spend behind it cuz that's one of their business models on TikTok. Is there. Kinda like how Facebook has their ad marketplace.

Yeah. TikTok has theirs. Um, so I just, I didn't, I didn't like the feel of that. I felt like it just wasn't good for me. Yeah. And even the fact that I do series and then have to switch it up, I, I was just like, YouTube. I wanna do YouTube like that. That's always been the end goal for me. I'd rather do it. I think Google has the long term play if TikTok gets banned as well.

So they're just all those kind of factors that went into it. What about 

Akta: other revenue streams as a creative business though, because I read on Twitter that you once wrote, um, brands are reaching out to you more about TikTok than they are YouTube. Why 

Eric: do you think that is? I think this is definitely tinfoil hat, but it's kind of like my outside opinion.

I think brands are slow to adapt. I think brands, for example, when I started TikTok in 20 18, 20 19, brands weren't there yet, but then they started coming in and I noticed it and now all the brands are there, but they won't look at other platforms. Like they're kind of familiar with reels, but especially like YouTube shorts, like brands haven't really expanded there yet.

Um, I think as well from a brand perspective, I think the ad rates. For ad spend on TikTok is much lower, so it makes sense for them to be there. Right. And the way that TikTok is kind of positioning themselves as a platform almost feels like a, like Amazon, but like videos promoting the products. Yeah. So like that whole eco, eco ecosystem is really focused around e-commerce, so it makes sense for brands to be there.

Um, that's probably like the best analogy I could give. I mean, YouTube obviously has its brand deals with like surf shark, vpn, like all that kind of stuff. But I think TikTok as a platform is just e-commerce Central. And it makes sense and it does well doing it. Like when you see they have entire trends, like, TikTok made me buy this.

Um, you know, Costco finds Amazon finds. So like, I think it makes sense for brands to be on TikTok. 

Akta: Yeah, I be Is it difficult, more difficult to integrate a brand into a sponsored TikTok video versus a YouTube video? Because I always think, well, if you've only got a really short. Snippet to include a brand, and that brand is pretty much the entire video.

Whereas in YouTube, I feel like you can integrate it within a story. Like how do you go about brand deals in each 

Eric: platform? Yeah. It's actually interesting you hear that. So there's definitely trade offs when you do short form because either it's very natural and there's not a huge ad placement. So like let's say it's a 42nd video, maybe 10 seconds if it is ad like.

Um, the alternative to that is the entire video is sponsored, or it's more of just like a brand awareness campaign where it's not really pushing the brand, but like, you know, they're affiliated in some capacity. So I feel like it's harder and I think that's why like U G C content has become so popular because they're like, why would I pay a mid-tier to high tier creator like $5,000 when I could pay 50 people a hundred bucks each to try and get.

You know, way more outreach. Yeah. Um, but on YouTube, I think it's also more forgiving because you have the ability to build, especially in law form videos, you have the ability to build up a trust. So in a short form video, like you don't really have the chance to build any trust with the audience. But in a law form video, you could like intro it, go 2, 3, 4 minutes.

They know they're in the video. And if the creator's smart about it or does it seamlessly, they can be like, Hey, You know, I'm taking this brand deal because it is, it's allowing me to make this video. And then audiences are like, oh, you know what? I've watched four minutes up to this point. Like, I could forgive this.

Like, it makes sense. Yeah. Um, but I don't think that there's that ability on short form. I know, at least from my experience when I've just done short format adss, it's like either the full thing is an ad and people just don't like it because it's just old school ad placement. Or it's the thing where it's like 10 seconds and then the brand's like, eh.

But I'm like, well, if you want views, like this is the kind of trade off you have to come to. Yeah. But I think on YouTube you could kind of get away with a lot more. So 

Akta: do you feel like on YouTube you could have, you could do almost every single video sponsored versus like, like, do you know what I mean?

In in terms of frequency of doing sponsored content? How comfortable do you feel on each platform 

Eric: then? I think on YouTube, Because it's been around so long, audiences are used to it. Like on pretty much every video the audience watches, there's some sort of an ad placement. I think people have just kind of accepted, like, and people have gotten smart enough as well, and more familiar with the creator economy to understand like, okay, these people like it's their job.

It makes sense. And if it's like, if it's, if the creator is doing their due diligence and. Promoting a product that's actually good and that could benefit the community. I think it's solid. Mm-hmm. Um, sorry, I forgot the rest of the question. Could you 


Akta: the other part? Yeah. It's just about how comfortable you feel in terms of frequency of doing sponsored content on each platform.

Like, do you feel more comfortable doing it on YouTube, whereas like, TikTok, like how often would you do sponsored content as a TikTok creator? 

Eric: Oh, okay. Yeah. So on TikTok I wouldn't do it every time, cuz then you get, uh, I've, there's been times where I'd have like three brand deals, like very close together.

And all the comments are like sellout, like, you know, you're just doing this for the money. And it's, I think it's because it's just, it's so quick paced content. There's no r there's no room for forgiveness. If it's like constant ads and they're like, okay, you're a sellout. Yeah. Um, but I think YouTube, especially law form YouTube is viewed more of like a show and like people are just used to that ad experience.


Akta: And you've kind of briefly mentioned how much you could potentially charge for a TikTok video. Like how would you compare the rates? For YouTube and TikTok sponsored content, like ballpark figures even. 

Eric: It, it, it really depends. Like there's so many factors that go into it because I'm trying to say it from like an, like a generalized statement.

Yeah. So it depends on the creator's niche. So if they're just like gaming versus like finance, like there's gonna be a big discrepancy there. Um, how strong their core audience is, what their average views are and whatnot. Um, I think on TikTok you have a lot less leverage as a creator cuz there's so many people doing it.

Like, if, if I say no to a, and I'll give this analogy, so when I started TikTok, I could basically get away with being like, I want like 10 K or a video. Give them the whole breakdown and they're like, okay, that makes sense. Now almost every single email I get is, we'll give you a free product, we'll give you $200.

Oh wow. Because, Because the whole like U G C wave really just devalued the market. And because there's so many creators, if I say no, they're gonna go to another creator that's gonna say yes. So the brands don't really care, like creators don't have much leverage unless you are the top of your niche or you have insane numbers to back it up.

But I think with law form YouTube creators have much more leverage cuz with law inform YouTube, you have a community and you're like, hey, like this is my community, like this is my baby. Like, These people trust me, they care about me. I'm not gonna promote your product for this amount of money. And as well on YouTube, like there's not a, the compared to on YouTube, compared to TikTok, there's not as many like law form creators that could pull the amount of views that they are.

Um, so I find in terms of negotiating power creators have a lot more on YouTube than a, as opposed to TikTok. And that was another reason why I left the. TikTok side of things because I'm just like, it, it wasn't making sense financially. Yeah. Um, I think the way I look at it too is there's like micro creators, mid-tier creators and like top tier creators.

Top tier creators can get away with it cuz they're basically celebrities. I'd consider myself a mid-tier creator. So I'm in this like awkward position where I'm not up top, but I'm not down below. And then micro creators get a lot too, because it's like, Brands view it as U G C content a lot of the time when you're starting out.

And even when I was starting out, like I didn't know my value mm-hmm. Brand's like, here's a hundred bucks. I'm like, cool, I'll do a video. Like that's a hundred bucks I made, I made money by posting a TikTok. Um, so that's kind of how I view the whole brand and platform 

Akta: situation. Yeah. But I'm still really surprised because 7.7 million followers like that is a, a lot I'm surprised at brands.

Even think to say, oh, I'll give you a free product in exchange for like sponsored content, which is crazy. How do you, how do you, how did you figure out what your value was as a creator and like how did you build that confidence to start negotiating for what you thought you deserved? 

Eric: I think, well, first of all, getting an agency was a good one because I had no idea.

And then I'd have like conversations with managers and they're like, uh, what are you doing? This is your value. And they'd like really break it down for me. Um, it's just really over time like understanding like what you have and especially if you have multiple platforms, you could leverage that as well.

Cause I've only started doing this recently cuz I found, I think you spoke to him, Justin, Justin, forget his name. Justin. Justin. Justin. Justin, yeah. Yeah. I, I, I like sent him a DM on Twitter. He is like, what are you doing? Um, so recently I've been like leveraging multiple platforms. So like a brand will come and be like, Hey, like we want to do a TikTok.

I'm like, well, I'll also do a YouTube integration and an YouTube short, and I'll make a piece of U GC content for you. So I think that for all creators, like being able to leverage multiple platforms and like having the social proof to back it up gives you a lot more credibility. Because brands, they're learning too.

Mm-hmm. Like most of the time, if you actually sit down with a brand, like they're kind of just dipping their toes in the water. A lot of the people come from more of a traditional marketing background. Um, on like television, radio, broadcast and whatnot, and it's still kind of new to them. Yeah. So you almost have to educate them at the same time and teach them like, Hey, this is why I have value.

Sure, you could go to other creators, but here's my proven track record of deals I've done, and these are results I can get you to if you trust me. Yeah. Um, obviously there's times where they're like, no, it's out of our budget. And unfortunately in those situations I'm just like, okay, that's your decision.

I respect it. Um, But it's, it's the same on both ends. Like as a creator, there's always gonna be another brand for brands, there's always gonna be another creator. Mm-hmm. So I just try not to get too hung up on 

Akta: it. And how do you try to make, when you're doing brand deals, how do you try to make it authentic to the content that you're already doing so it's authentic to your 

Eric: audience?

So I try and just really integrate it. I don't really want to do a deal where it's, here's a script, go read it. Um, I just don't like that. And I've been doing it, I've definitely done it in the past, but I've learned like it's just not, it doesn't perform well and it's not good. Yeah. And I get backlash for it, so I just don't do it.

Um, the way I kind of approach it now is trying to find brands that make sense in the videos I do. For example, one of the ones I have upcoming is gonna be, Like wallet that has like protection and stuff like that. It's like a travel wallet basically. Um, and the way I'm just gonna do it is say like, Hey, this is like my go-to travel wallet in airports.

Um, and, you know, obviously I wanna like test it out and like review it and make sure it's as good as it is before I promote it. Um, but just kind of like integrating it naturally into the story not being, like, there's obviously like sometimes you'll see an ad placement, it's like just very abrupt. Yeah. I don't think it.

Does well cuz like I've done it in the past and the retention curve will go like that and just like straight dip. Yeah. Um, so finding ways just to like naturally build it into the story. So, you know, let's say it was a VPN deal, if I'm traveling I'd be like, oh, and while I travel I could protect my dad at blah, blah blah.

Yeah. Like just finding a way to like weave it into the story of the video is probably the best way to do it. And also preface it by like saying to your audience, I'm doing this deal or something along these lines, like, I'm doing this deal to reinvest this money back into the channel. Mm-hmm. To make better content for you guys.

Cuz then they're like, okay, he's not just taking the money to pocket it and we're just, you know, the customers like he's actually taking this money and like going on a expensive flight and like this is covering the expenses. So like, almost just having a conversation with your audience and being completely transparent and not like building a wall and be like, Hey, like this is what I'm doing.

I hope you guys understand and most of the time, like they're forgiving because people have been on social media for the last, especially during covid. It's like so much like people have gotten very familiar with it. Yeah. Uh, and I find VO audiences are quite receptive. Just to complete transparency, 

Akta: I was actually quite surprised to find that you are a student because you are.

You're still writing, filming and editing all of your content, which I think is absolutely crazy. How are you managing to make great videos, which even involve things like travel whilst you're staying on top of like, you know, university, multiple platforms, and you are limited on both time and money. Like how are you doing all of this?

Eric: Um, sometimes I'll have to skip classes, unfortunately. Um, yeah, so I'm full, I'm a fourth year stu, media production student, which kind of helps cuz it's like same wheelhouse. So I'm like full-time student plus internship, plus creator. Wow. Um, so I really just try and like cut out everything that's distracting.

I used to play a lot of video games, had to like Absolutely cut that out. Um, but I'll, I'll try and like batch film content, especially my longform stuff. So I think a month ago I basically, I booked a flight to the west side of Canada. That was like one video flew from there to another city the same day.

That was the second video, and then I flew home. Oh wow. Um, so I just try and like batch it together. And I think two weeks ago I filmed three videos over 24 hours. Then that's, that's three weeks worth of content. So like, once it's filmed, it's like pretty easy because I could just, when I'm not doing schoolwork, I could just edit and do it.

Um, but really, like the filming takes the most, so whenever I have free time is when I try and film. For example, today is like I'm filming another video. Yeah. Um, because this is like my one day between classes, I'm like, okay, I have like eight hours I can film and then I can edit through it the week. So it's, it's really just being like time management, pre-planning things, um, and like really just batching it together and then once you have the funds to do so, offload the work.

Yeah. Um, I kind of, I, I struggle with it because I'm a bit of a perfectionist. Like I've tried working with editors and they're great, but, um, I guess I'm just like selfish in the extent where I'm like, I want to be my vision. Yeah. And like, The way I see it is like I could tell someone to make these changes, but it's gonna take like 10 times longer than just going in there and doing it myself.

Akta: Yeah. And how, how strong is that vision beforehand? Like, do you have like storyboards, do you plan on all your shots beforehand? Because how do you, I'm just wondering how that looks like when you are doing things like travel, like how much can you actually prepare what you're gonna film ahead of time? 

Eric: Um, I think because I've been doing content for a while and just because I'm a pretty visual person, I can pretty much pre-plan almost the entire video.

Oh, wow. Um, usually like I'll, I'll write it out into like a Notion or Google Doc, like what the general scenes are gonna be. I usually like heavily script the intro or like first two minutes because I find that's the most important part. Um, But in terms of like my airline series, for example, like I've been doing it so long, or for, I've done like five or six videos of it now.

Like it's pretty much second nature to me. It's like, all right, we're set and it's gonna be like 42nd intro, then we're gonna buy the ticket, then we're gonna head to the airport, do the check-in process, and like I just, it's like pretty normal at this point. Mm-hmm. Um, for example, my video today, I've just like visually ran through like all the locations I'm gonna go to.

Because I'm filming in my city, it's a little bit easier cause I've like been to all these areas, so I'm like, okay, I know where I want to, like set up all my shots. Yeah. Um, I definitely don't think everyone has that skill. I think a lot of it has come from just making so many videos over the years.

Editing the videos myself has been very helpful because it's really shown me like, Hey, these are things I don't like and these are things I do like, so I just know from editing my own videos, like how I want to set things up. Mm-hmm. Um, but yeah, it's, it's not an easy process. It's kind of chaotic. 

Akta: Yeah.

And what do you think the trends for video content will be? Because I feel like recently we've seen that like short form content has been really popular and trendy. Do you think that's gonna continue or do you think things will change? 

Eric: Um, I don't think it's gonna go away. I don't, I don't think it can go away.

Um, I think maybe it might get longer. I mean, it's, it's hard to say because. Content is really up to the person consuming it, right? Like for example, the content I consume is gonna be completely different from the content you consume. Yeah. And this is something I kind of struggle with when like talking about this stuff is cuz like I have this perspective, but then someone else will have a completely different perspective cuz they view diff, they see different things.

Um, I think short form content, it's always gonna be around, there's always gonna be the clickbait side of things. There's always gonna be like the actual value side of things in short form content. And I think it comes down to who's what you're consuming. Um, law inform content, same thing. I think there's to the, I mean, to the end of the earth at this point, there's gonna be like Mr.

B style videos now, like whatever the trends are. But I also think on the flip side, there's gonna be those organic stories. Mm-hmm. Um, I think it's very hard to predict. I think it's definitely gonna lean more towards some sort of a narrative, um, some sort of more authentic story-based videos, because I do think.

That the whole spend as much money on a video as possible. Trend is getting a little bit old and people are getting somewhat numb to it. Yeah. Um, but it's one of those things where like you can't really see the innovation until it's already happened. It's kinda like the whole AI thing right now. Like, people five years ago were like, ah, you know, like this could be a thing.

And now we're like living in it. Yeah. But five years from now we'll be like, oh, like that happened so fast. True. Why didn't we see this coming? Like, it's very hard to see while you're in it. Um, And I think you just kind of gotta wait and see and just keep creating and innovating and then just naturally something new will pop up.

Akta: Yeah. And like shifting your path as you see what's coming up, I guess, which is what you've been doing as well. Um, so I'm gonna end with a quick fire round. So I'm gonna ask you the same questions that I ask every creator that comes on air. So what's your favorite thing about being a creator? 

Eric: Honestly, just the freedom to make whatever I want to make, especially being.

In school for media and like film and getting insight into the real industry. I like the fact that I could go out and film what I want to film. I don't really have to storyboard it because when it comes to like TV or stuff, you have to storyboard everything. You have to get it approved by like four people.

Oh, wow. Everything has to be green lit, like it's a total headache. Yeah, and I've just realized being a creator, like you have complete freedom to do whatever you want. Like I could fly to any place, film a video. Obviously sometimes you, you should get permission or if you're filming like a TV show, you need to get permission, but as a creator you could kind of get, get away with, I'm just someone with a camera.

Um, so I, I really like that. 

Akta: And what gives you the most inspiration for what you 

Eric: create? Um, at this point it's just personal passion. There was a point where it was like I was really just chasing views. Now it's just like whatever video I find genuinely interesting. Um, right now that's travel. Um, I, I just wanna see the world.

I wanna experience life and I wanna make videos that kind of reflect that. So I think that kind of is what inspires me these days. I 

Akta: love that. And what's one tool that helps you to be a 

Eric: creator? One tool. I mean, editing software. That's great. 

Akta: True. Can't live without that. 

Eric: Um, honestly, it may be not the normal thing, but I guess like fitness and just taking care of my own health.

I, I was at a point, especially during Covid, where it's just like extreme burnout didn't take care of myself very well. Um, I think you need to take care of, you know, your mind, your body and everything outside of your job because that carries over to when you are doing it. Yeah. Um, so I think that's the most important thing to me, is just taking care of myself in all aspects.

Akta: I guess this leads onto next question then, which is, what's one thing that helps with your creative work life balance? Is that the same answer? 

Eric: Um, work life balance, that, that's something I actually struggle with because I'm like always trying to do work. Um, realistically, I think at this point, it's like my girlfriend.

She's the one that really grounds me. She's like, all right, like, you've been doing this all day. Like, let's do something else. Let's go, let's go out. Let's not sit in front of the computer. So I think that's honestly, uh, that's probably been like the biggest thing that's helped me do a work-life balance.

Otherwise, I think I would literally just be doing videos all day. That would 

Akta: be very unhealthy. Crazy. And what's one piece of advice that you'd give to other creators? 

Eric: There's a lot I could give. Probably being original, staying true to yourself, and not really giving up on your dream. I think a lot of people get discouraged.

I know when I was starting out with content, everyone, I think a lot of creators go through this too. Everyone doubts them. Everyone's like, why are you doing this? Yeah. Um, just having this like undeniable vision and being like, this is what I want. I'm gonna get this even if everyone is against me. I think that's the biggest thing.

Um, And that's the one thing that's resonated with me. Cause I mean, I vividly remember in high school, like kids being like, you're not gonna do this, like making fun of me, whatever. Like the whole, the whole nine yards. And then I just kept doing it, kept grinding at it, kept learning, kept trying to make videos, and now I'm able to do it as job.

So I love that. Keeping, keeping the dream alive. 

Akta: Yeah. I love that you proved everyone wrong. That's amazing. Thank you so much, Eric, for coming on air. This has been such a fun conversation about YouTube and TikTok and just video content in general. I really enjoyed it. 

Eric: Thank you. It's been amazing. I love doing this kind of stuff.

Akta: You can find Eric on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram, and if sponsorships are a part of your creator business, check out passionfroot for an easier way to manage them.


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