How to be a Successful Creator Without Having a Niche with Jake McNeill

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Struggling to niche down?

You’re probably a multipotentialite.

A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t be a successful creator.

Jake McNeill is the founder of Creative Hackers. He has developed mental models and frameworks to help Multipotentialites leverage their divergent thinking and maximise their potential whilst working with artists, creators and entrepreneurs.

In this episode of Creators on Air, Jake McNeill, founder of Creative Hackers joins us to discuss what it means to be a multipotentialite, being authentic as a creative entrepreneur and overcoming dopamine overdose.

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Episode Transcript

Akta: [00:00:00] One of the most common pieces of advice you've probably heard as a creator is to niche down, but what's if you have multiple interests, passions, and ideas? If this sounds familiar, it means you're a multipotentialite.

Jake: It's very, very difficult to find marketing business creator advice for multipotentialite, simply because Google, all the videos, everything, all the podcasts.

Tend to be neurotypical advice.

Akta: Jake McNeil helps multipotentialite to leverage their creativity and divergent thinking. In today's episode, he'll show you how to find success as a multi-passionate creator.

Jake: The psychological definition of a multipotentialite is somebody with multiple creative. And or academic talents, but basically they're divergent thinkers.

So there's two types of people in the world. There's neurotypicals. Who are convergent thinkers. So five plus five equals 10. That's convergent thinking. There's only one possible answer, and multipotentialite are divergent thinkers. So we say, how many different numbers can we add together to make 10?

Which means we come up with lots and lots of different answers, [00:01:00] which is why we're so creative.

Akta: I find it really interesting then that a lot of creatives that I meet are multipotentialite or multi-passionate, but a lot of the advice that we see out there in the creative world is to niche down. So why is that such common advice we receive as creatives?

Jake: Well, it's just because the, we live in a specialist society. So by specialist society, I mean that the vast majority of people on the planet are neurotypicals, so they're specialists. So they can only focus, uh, they can focus on pick one thing and focus on it, whereas we can't, right? So all the advice out there, uh, is from created by neurotypicals for neurotypicals, which is basically to niche down.

So that's why it's such, so commonplace. It's very, very difficult to find, uh, marketing business creator advice. For multi potential lights, simply because Google, all the videos, everything, all the podcasts tend to be neurotypical advice. So how

Akta: do we approach this then? Like how do we kind of figure out who our audience are and what our corner of the internet is if [00:02:00] we are not niching down?

Like what is the alternative to that?

Jake: Well, the alternative to niching down is to niche up. So if you think of niching down, niching down is what specialists do. Now, why do specialists niche down? Both because they wanna stand out. Why do they wanna stand out? Because all the markets are saturated. Why are all the markets saturated?

Because everyone's copying each other. One person is successful, then everybody else copies it, right? So really the point of niching down from a specialist point of view is so they can be different so they can stand out. Whereas multipotentialite or multi-passionate we're different. By default, right? So instead of niching down, we must niche up.

We must take all our various different skills and stack them on top of each other so that way we can be different and stand out. Yeah,

Akta: that makes sense. I like that. And what's the best way to go about that? In a way where, because I mean, so a lot of advice that I get is work out who your audience are, but I, I almost struggle with that because I'm like, how do I figure out who my audience is if I almost don't even know who I am as a creator?

'cause I'm, I'm doing all these different things. So what's the best way of [00:03:00] overcoming

Jake: that? Well, uh, this is again, very, very sort of common sort of neurotypical advice would be to create full marketing personas. And this is where we create imaginary people out of the sky and we'll call them, say Emily, and say maybe she's 32 and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah.

And for us it's just feels really inauthentic and it just doesn't make any sense. We can't wrap her heads around this. So instead of looking outside in, in other words, making up fake marketing personas, we should look within. So really what we're trying to do is we should, our, our ideal clients are actually the younger versions of ourselves.

So when I do one-to-one sessions with clients, I get them to name their fears, their hopes, their aspirations, their obstacles. And a hundred times out of a hundred, they will actually talk about their own fears, their own hopes, their own aspirations. So in a, in a weird way, well, not a weird way, in a really nice, authentic way, we are indeed our own, uh, ideal clients.

So we should look within, 'cause what we're trying to do is help the younger version of ourselves. So that's how we, that's how we find our clients.

Akta: That makes a lot of sense. I feel like that's kind of what I've been doing [00:04:00] without actually realizing it so far, my creative journey. Um, so that's like one of the big problems I face as a multi-passionate person.

But what are some of the other problems you see? Multiple potential lights face on their creative journey?

Jake: I. So many, it's so cruel. We the most creative, uh, and innovative people on the planet, uh, which we, we absolutely are by the way. Uh, we have the best problem solving skills on the planet, but we have a huge fear of putting ourselves out there.

So perfectionism, uh, fear of rejection, um, fear of the unknown. I mean, pretty much any fear we have it. And that's because we're highly sensitive people. A lot of, a lot of multiple potential multi passes, um, identify as empaths. So basically the, the what makes us so creative is our deep emotional world.

However, it's that also that deep emotional world that that is the struggle for putting ourselves out there. And

Akta: how would you, what do you recommend to your clients who are struggling with perfectionism in their creative process? How do they overcome that?

Jake: I. Well, perfectionism is not the, uh, desire to be perfect.

[00:05:00] Perfectionism is actually avoidance of failure, right? So, and that comes from all, all the perfectionistic, uh, uh, research points to the fact of our feelings have not been good enough. So really perfectionism is a manifestation of our hiding. The fact we don't feel good enough. Okay? So the problem with perfectionism is indeed the avoidance of failure.

So instead of, um, when we start projects, we in, we invest so much of our. In, in a bid to avoid failure, we actually, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. We, because we've put so much time, effort, and energy into avoiding failure, we actually create the failure. 'cause we overthink the shit out of everything and then it all comes tumbling down.

So, but what I say to clients, and I've listen by the way, I have a, so I, a failed podcasts, YouTube channels, I mean, you name it, I failed so many times. It's unbelievable. And the reason for that was that, let's say I wanted to start a podcast, which is I failed twice at, right? So I said, okay, I'm gonna make this the best podcast in the world, right?

So I would go and buy a course in it. I'd read books in it. I would read blogs in it, I'd, I'd listen to every podcast. But having successful [00:06:00] podcasts, and by the time I came to create my own podcast, I'd overthought it so much that it just, I. Yeah, it, it was paralyzing for me. So what I came up with, uh, is basically I encouraged clients to do tiny, messy experiments.

So, for example, when I started my TikTok channel, I didn't say, I'm gonna make this the best TikTok channel in the world ever. I said, I'm gonna post 30 videos for 30 days as an experiment. I. On TikTok, and if it works, I'll cut, I'll continue. And if it doesn't, I'll stop. And it worked and it, it's done really well.

I've got a big audience there. When I started my, uh, newsletter, I didn't say I'm gonna make this the best newsletter in the planet. What I said is, I'm gonna do four articles and over four weeks, and if I like it, I can continue. And if I don't, I don't. So I treat everything as an experiment. So they, some experiments work and some experiments don't.

And what I'm doing by that is I'm removing my, um, identity, uh, From the success or failure of a project and putting it on certain experiment. So the experiment works or the experiment fails, and that removes the identity and the pressure for me, which allows me to [00:07:00] perform at my

Akta: best. I, I like that approach.

I think it's a little bit more relaxed and definitely takes the pressure off. Um, but how do you decide how long your experiment should run? So say, so for example, I, I love making YouTube videos. I really enjoy it. So that experiment passed. But say if I've been doing it for a really long time, I've not seen the growth that I want to.

At what point should I think, okay, maybe it's time to pivot. Maybe it's time.

Jake: Maybe I'm right initially. Yeah, no, I understand. So initially it's, um, I, I say, uh, do try it for 30 days at, after the end of 30 days, you know, whether you like something or not, and then you can progress. Um, I think if you, if you, for example, my, my, my, uh, newsletter, it's just under 10,000 subscribers now.

Uh, but for the fir, well, for the first eight months I wrote to 200 people. Now, that was, I had no growth in it whatsoever. I mean it all, by all accounts, I should have just, uh, I should just stopped doing it. However, it, the, it was a creative outlet for me that [00:08:00] allowed me to process my emotions, to articulate my thoughts, to be able to connect with just the, the 200 people, right?

And, uh, the more I did that, The more I connected with people and the, and the, the, the more it grew. So I think if YouTube is something you really, really enjoy, if it's something that allows you to process your emotions, uh, to articulate your thoughts, which is really important for us because if we don't process our emotions, we sweep them under the carpet, they over spill, we get frustrated, we get burnt out, and all those lovely things that happen to creative people.

So if, if you are really enjoying it as, as a process, do it for yourself and not worry about the audience. And over time it'll work.

Akta: And let's, let's touch on burnout, because is that something that you see as something really common amongst very creative people? Every

Jake: single client and, and myself, by the way, I, I have a, I'm a serial burnout outer.

Uh, uh, yeah. But, uh, yeah, no, I, I see all the time. And the, the, the main reason for it is that we're not processing our emotions, uh, uh, in a particular way. The other reason is that we're. You know, [00:09:00] we we're brought up in a neurotypical society, the social programming is that we should go take a safe job, take the safe path.

Mm-hmm. Go for the wage and we can do that, but we end up burning out because we're not living, uh, an unconventional life or business that is true to ourselves. Okay. So we're basically, essentially we're masking. We're, we're pretending to be something we're not. In order to fill the social, um, programming and the expectations of others, that guarantee leads us to burnout sooner or later.

Uh, the other thing is, is that we're not processing our motions. We don't have some sort of creative outlet that allows us to process how we feel. Um, and indeed articulate our thoughts. So these are the, these are the common things, but literally every single client and I, I, uh, I, I'm yet to be a creative that doesn't have multiple burnouts for the reason mm-hmm.

For, for a couple of reasons I've just mentioned. Yeah.

Akta: But how do you prevent that from happening? So, for example, you said, you know, we kind of have to have the typical job. And so for a creator who loves what they do, but they're maybe not making of. A full-time income on it, and they need to have that stability of that job.

How can they then manage [00:10:00] that creative passion that they have with, you know, the stability that they kind of need as well?

Jake: Yeah, it's, it's very, very difficult. Um, and again, I've exp uh, I've, I've seen this with both personally and with my clients, you know, over 30 years. So, uh, yeah, I mean, Uh, so, so what can one do?

Uh, well, first of all, one has to be able to process their emotions. So let lemme explain what I mean. So, if you read an article of, uh, for me about perfectionism, it's because I feel perfectionistic. So I'm taking my, my perfectionism, I'm processing it, and I'm writing an article to solve my problem. But equally to help the, uh, my clients, 'cause they're the younger version of me and have the same problems.

If you see a video and TikTok about me about productivity, it's 'cause I'm feeling unproductive. So I'm, I, I, I am, I have a creative outlet to be able to process my motions. Now, you don't have to do this in public, you can do this with journaling. There's various different, uh, other methods. Uh, uh, the morning pages is a very common one, for example.

So that's one side of it, being able to process emotions and articulate our thoughts. The other side in terms of um, uh, uh, having to do a stable job is just to treat it. It's exactly like a job, but put [00:11:00] all your effort, uh, and creative passion into a creative outlet, which helps balance a bit better. Uh, but really it's about being authentic.

Uh, creativity is an act of authenticity, right? Yeah. If you think about when we get in creative, creative flow, it's the only time we're not judging ourselves. So we're not going, oh, is this good enough? Am I good enough? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Uh, and uh, there's no expectation, oh, is this video gonna go viral or is this gonna get me an X amount of clients?

When we're in flow state, it's just between us and our, our creativity, it's just flowing out of us. Right? So it's about getting into that state. It's often as possible because that is happiness, that's bliss. That's, that's where we want to be really.

Akta: And how do you then cope with. Uh, I guess expectations of others.

So say if you have built an audience and you know, you've been really creative up at that, up until that point, and then you've monetized and now you've got sponsors to think about, and there's almost this change in mindset where now your creativity is not just an outlet, it is also your career. How do [00:12:00] you.

Cope with that,

Jake: that is very difficult. It's something I'm actually wrestling with right now. Uh oh, really? Yeah. So, uh, I, I, I, I, well, first of all, I think it goes back to processing emotions, dah, dah, dah, dah. Once sponsors get involved, uh, then it can dictate you in a journey. Now, uh, I've turned down, um, I mean, I don't have a huge.

Massive audience on, uh, on TikTok, but 135,000, something like that. So I get quite, quite a lot of offers of sponsors I that I don't take because it takes me down whilst the money would be nice, it takes me down a route. I don't want to go creatively. And for me, the, the, the number one priority is, is to be my true creative self.

Uh, and if I can align that with sponsors, then we're in a great space. And if I can't, then I have to pass on it.

Akta: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I find it interesting that you're actually, you know, on TikTok and you have the newsletter because something I struggle with is this pressure almost to be on every single platform.

So I'm not even struggling with, what am I talking about? I'm also struggling with, where do I talk about it? [00:13:00] Yeah, how, how do Multipotentialite figure out where best to use their creativity?

Jake: Well, um, I think it depends on the person, but I, I recommend clients stick to two channels. So we have a discovery channel, which could be TikTok, YouTube.

LinkedIn, Twitter. Mm-hmm. Uh, and then we have, uh, a relationship building. Well, neurotypicals, call it a nurturing channel, but it just sounds so manipulative. I hate it. So a relationship building channel, which is ba usually an email list or a Discord channel, something along those lines. And I, I believe that that's what we should focus on initially.

So that's what I did. Uh, I, I started off with my blog or my newsletter, and then I built a, a TikTok channel, which then sort of redirects into that. Now that I've got, uh, well, now, now that I've built a, a, a fairly big personal brand on, uh, TikTok, I can then go out and still do LinkedIn or maybe Twitter.

But my advice is not to spread yourself too thin because it's just too overwhelming. There's too many algorithms, there's too much [00:14:00] expectation, and apart from anything else, we flip flop. So should I be doing Twitter today or should I be doing TikTok or should I be doing YouTube or blah, blah, blah, blah.

And we end up spinning in circles and getting nowhere. Yeah.

Akta: And do you ever find that, so even if you have these platforms, you kind of know what you're talking about, but you have so many other ideas that you wanna start on. So you know, you might want to be building like digital products or like a course or, or something.

And I know that you said that, you know, we can take an experimental approach, but I feel like those things are a little bit more high effort. So how do you kind of deal with the overwhelm of like, I have so many ideas or ways, or I want to monetize this. Where do I start?

Jake: Wow. Good. Great question. So, I mean, basically it's all about purpose, isn't it?

So, um, for me, I'm helping the younger version of myself, so it's helping multiple potential lights fulfill their creative potential. Okay? So that's, that's, that's a very sort of like zoomed out view. So, uh, I get ideas all the time, right? Uh, not always related to this, right? I love sausages. I dunno why. I just always love sausages.

And I just know that I could make championship winning sausages because you know how we're good at lots of different things, right? Yeah. I know that I could [00:15:00] go to all the go, go to the farms, get the best beak, get the best herbs and spices, and dah, dah, dah. So I have to say to myself, does making championship winning sausages, does that get me closer to helping multiple potential likes fulfill the creative potential or further away?

So I would say that goes further away. It might be a nice thing to do. So I, I do it like that in terms of actually helping them, I think. Okay. What is the quickest, most simplistic way that I can help somebody? Because here's the thing, right? And you, you, I'm sure you'll recognize this and, and any other multipotentialite or multi-passionate listen to this will also recognize this.

We are idea generating machines. Okay? Now we are dopamine deficient. Uh, now that is true, but we get waves of dopamine so we can get dopamine, um, overdoses. So lemme explain what I mean by that. So let's say, you know, these, I use analogy or a metaphor or if you know those tiny little cute houses you get.

So we have this idea and we think, okay, I'm gonna design and build one of those tiny little cute houses. So we have that idea, and then our dopamine starts pumping and it goes, oh, well, we should add another floor, and then another floor, then the helicopter pad, and then we should add the gym. And then we should add the car park.

And before you know it, this tiny little, uh, [00:16:00] cute little house that we're gonna design is turned into the Empire State Building. And this is all fueled by our dopamine. And then our dopamine crashes and we're going, oh my God, this idea is now so overwhelming. Where do we even start? Mm-hmm. Does that sound familiar?

Yeah, a hundred percent. Yeah. Uh, and basically that's what it is. This is, this is a, a dopamine overdose. So when we're going off, which idea do we do? Basically what we have to do is we have to simplify, simplify, simplify. Uh, we struggle with prioritization, we struggle with, uh, uh, deciding what should be the first.

So what I always do is I start with the simple ideas first. What is the idea that I can execute really quickly? So maybe that's like a P D F or maybe that's like a 60 minute course, or maybe that's one-to-ones. Whatever the situation is, I simplify it and then I grow it incrementally from there.

Akta: And what about, so, I mean, this happened to me really recently.

I was just not in the mood to create at all. Like I think I went into a creative rutt, I dunno why. And I, I just could not create for like, at least a couple of months. So I took time off of YouTube. Like [00:17:00] how do you get out of that creative rutt? So when the ideas just suddenly stop flowing?

Jake: Yeah. I mean, I, I, I'm, I'm that way with TikTok at the moment, so I'm, I'm very, I've got a love hate relationship with TikTok.

Whereas, um, just because creating videos, I enjoy creating videos. They're fun, but because it's a daily thing, you just run out of ideas and you feel like you're repeating yourself. Yeah. Um, so I go through this, so I, I'm going through it right now and I just take a break from it. Uh, the one constant that I have that I never get bored of is writing.

I. So for me that that is my, um, that, that, that, that's my true creativity. So I can keep writing no problems. And because I don't write every day, so I'm not on Twitter, um, I basically write, uh, on ck. So I, I write, uh, currently, uh, uh, twice a week, right? So I do like two 1500 word, uh, essays per week. And that for me, uh, keeps me going.

Um, I would encourage you, uh, I dunno. Do, do you, do you enjoy writing? Yes, definitely. Do you, do you have a, do you have a newsletter?

Akta: I do, [00:18:00] but I'm not as consistent with it as I am with YouTube. I always prioritize YouTube over the newsletter.

Jake: And, and, and, and why, why do you think that is? I.

Akta: I just enjoy YouTube a lot more.

I guess I, I really enjoy the video editing process, Uhhuh, and I put a lot into writing the scripts, so I almost feel like when I've written a YouTube script, I'm almost like exhausted from writing and then I just don't put that same time into the newsletter. So newsletter, almost like an afterthought sometimes.

Understand, but I also think understand it's because I need to probably change my newsletter because it's too similar to what I do on YouTube, and I feel like it needs to be a little bit different. So I've got a. Bit more of an interest for it. Okay. I've already done it.

Jake: What I would do in that case, I would repurpose, you know, the script that you're writing out for.

Yeah. For YouTube, I would actually repurpose that and turn that into a, a, a, a newsletter article.

Akta: Oh, interesting. So actually that's a really interesting thought because I've, I mean, I know all about repurposing and I, I get, I get it, but I've always thought, oh, it's not that creative. Or like, [00:19:00] you know, my audience is gonna get sick of seeing the same thing.

So, Like, what is your, what's your approach to repurposing?

Jake: Uh, well, I I, I, I understand. I feel the same. Um, I feel like what? Everything I have to create, it has to be the most, most creative, original thing in the world, ever. Right. But it's just not practical. So, um, I, I, I don't have a problem repurposing. The, the reality of it is, is that, I mean, we know from a marketing perspective that somebody has to hear a message seven times before they actually buy something on average.

Mm-hmm. Um, so we get, we get bored of our message a lot quicker. Uh, then our audience get bored of our message. But basically, I mean, I, I, I've got clients who have, are very, very sort of time poor. Uh, they're going viral in TikTok. Um, and I get them to take their TikTok scripts and they get 'em to turn them into su cks.

Now, they will embellish them and they will change them. They'll use it as a, uh, I don't know, like a, like a diving off point and then sort of take on a different journey. So they do feel that it's, that it's new and creative and original, right? But it's taking, uh, the, the, the core ideas of what they've already created elsewhere.

Akta: So something that, I [00:20:00] mean, I always see in the creator economy, people talking about systems and habits. Yeah. And routines. Do you have that to kind of ensure that you are being creative, but then also hitting consistency?

Jake: I. Yeah, I mean, I, I time block. So, um, I I, I've got a very, very tight schedule. Um, I mean, I'm neurodivergent so, uh, I, I have problems with productivity.

Uh, but basically over the years, over the decades, I've built a bunch of systems. So I, I use time blocking, uh, and habit stacking, which are, which are two common, pretty common things. And, um, the neurodivergent multipotentialite world, Basically. So how do you structure that? Well, I structure, I, I, I, I basically from eight till 10, I write from 10 to 12.

I do video 12 to half 12. I have my lunch, 12 to to one o'clock. Sounds so boring, doesn't it? 12, 12 to one o'clock I go for my walk. Uh, I, I come back. Half one's. My first client, I've, I have three clients a day. One, one early afternoon. One late afternoon, um, uh, and then have my dinner, and then I have one in the evening 'cause Oh, wow.

Pretty much all, all my clients are, uh, US based, or 99% Okay, fine. US [00:21:00] based fine. So, uh, yeah, basically that's how I do it. Uh, uh, so there's three things there. So three things I love doing. Uh, one is writing. I just love writing. I could write all day, no problems. Uh, two, uh, creating videos. Now if I'm not creating videos, I'm building a course or whatever, right?

I'm doing some sort of form of creativity, uh, and one-to-ones. I love one-to-ones because I love. Helping people solve their problems. Right. So yeah, so basically those, those three, three things. Um, and because they're things I love doing, I don't have, uh, I don't suffer from procrastination. However, as my accountant will testify to anything to do with like tax or v a t or anything boring whatsoever, then, uh, I mean, I, yeah.

I, I'm just the world's worst. I'm your typical neuro divergent. Everything's left at the last minute. Yeah, but the point is, I, I've designed a unconventional life and business, which it, it is basically stacking all the things I love doing, squeezing as much as that into it and, and, and leveraging that to build my business and help other people do the same.

Akta: Yeah. And I'm interested with how have you actually found your [00:22:00] clients? Because, I mean, something else that, I mean, I've seen creative people struggle with is not wanting to come across as too salesy. They want to be more of the artist versus the business person. So how do you find that balance and how do you bring people into your business organically?

Jake: So there's, I think there's two ways to market to people, right? There's the specialist way, the neurotypical way, which is to manipulate people, and that's using like persuasion, psychological tactics, you know, fake marketing personas, agitating insecurities, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that's one way of doing it.

The ever. So there's, that's the manipulation or there's resonating. So what I do is I. I basically help the younger version of myself. So I've already faced the same problems and challenges and still do that. My clients do. So what I do is I, uh, share my stories with vulnerability, um, and I help clients feel seen and heard.

Now by them feeling seen and heard, then I in turn feel seen and heard, feel seen and heard. And that's what, uh, they call radical acceptance, right? So basically people, um, will. Watch my [00:23:00] content or read my content, and they, they instantly know that I understand their brains because they have the same challenges or brains, you know, as, as I do.

Yeah. And as a result of that, if I can, uh, then people naturally come to me. I don't have to be salesy at all. I just have to resonate with people. And, uh, once people know that I truly, truly understand their brain and understand what their problems are, and I can, I can show solutions to overcome, said problems and challenges, then people just get in contact with me.

Akta: Mm. I love that. I love how, um, organic it is and how Yeah. Yeah. Authentic it is to you because you are thinking about your younger self, so, you know, everything should resonate with them. Yeah. Um, I'm gonna end with a quick fire round now. So it's the same questions that I ask every creator that comes on air, starting with what's your favorite thing about being a creator?

Jake: Uh, writing, uh, connecting with people, being authentic. Uh, 'cause creativity is our authenticity. Mm.

Akta: Love that. And what's something that gives you the most inspiration for what you create?

Jake: Uh, my own [00:24:00] brain, my own fuck ups, basically. So, so basically I'm just, all, all I'm doing is I'm solving my own problems, knowing that it's also solving the problems of, of my audience for the younger version of me.

Akta: Yeah. And what's a tool that helps you as a creator?

Jake: Uh, my divergent thinking brain. There you go. I like that. Yeah.

Akta: Um, and what something that helps you with your creator work-life balance.

Jake: Uh, well, I, I, I need to find that, I need to find that, uh, really, because really I do work. Oh, I work too much. I work too much.

Uh, I, I, I guess my daughter, I love my family. My, uh, my daughter's only, she's just turned nine years old, and I just love, I love spending time with 'em. It's my favorite thing. And the great thing about being a, a creator and, you know, helping other people is that, uh, I don't have to, I don't say I, when I used to work in the music industry, sorry, I know this is, I know this is, uh, no, it's fine.

Quick fire. But when I used to work in the music industry, I was constantly worried about, Ticket sales about getting the bands on radio one or, you know, all these kinda things. And, uh, I used to spend all my time, even with my family, I, I [00:25:00] was with them physically, but I used to be thinking about problems in the music industry.

Right. And I, I hated that. Right. So, uh, so now I, I get to spend time with my family and just spend it with them and enjoy our time and just play my daughter. I love that. That's so

Akta: nice. Yeah. You get to be more present with them, which is really good. Yeah, precisely. Um, what, what advice do you have for other creators?

Jake: Uh, Be yourself. Uh, live the, live the life that is true to yourself, right? Your creative life, that true yourself, and know what evers expect you to do. Others are gonna expect you to take that job, I dunno, an accountancy or a, a legal job, whatever. But the reality is AI is going to, it's completely changing the landscape, and I think it's a positive thing because it's gonna force people outta their comfort zone.

So my say, my, uh, advice to them is to just, yeah, follow your curiosity, uh, and, and be your true great self.

Akta: I like that. I like how different that perspective is as well with ai. So amazing. Thank you so much Jake. I feel like this was really helpful and really reassuring as well for me and I'm sure a lots of [00:26:00] people who are multipotentialite to listen to, so thank you.

Jake: No, well thank you so much. It's been, it's been a great pleasure and uh, I really appreciate the opportunity.  

Akta: You can find Jake on TikTok, his newsletter and his website, Creative Hackers, and if you are a creator and you're working with sponsors, check out Passionfroot. We help you to streamline your entire workflow so you can focus on your creativity.