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How to repurpose content

How to repurpose content

What comes to mind when you think of repurposing? Copying and pasting your content on other platforms?

Well, we're here to tell you that repurposing is more powerful than that. It’s all about leverage.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  • The benefits of repurposing your content
  • How to repurpose your content
  • Tools to help with repurposing

Let’s dive in.

3 benefits of repurposing your content

Increase your reach

When you repurpose your content, you increase your chances of being found. This is especially important for blog articles and podcasts, which don't have a high organic reach because there's no algorithm fueling discovery. When you move your content over to platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, you increase your exposure.

Grow without burnout

You want to grow, so you publish more. But sometimes it feels like you're on a hamster wheel. That's why creators are so prone to burnout.

Repurposing your content is a great way to feed the algorithm without sacrificing more of your time. It's a way of working smarter, instead of harder.

Find new audiences

Let's say you create on YouTube. There might be someone who is really aligned with the value you share, but the problem is they don't spend much time on YouTube. By creating for just one platform, you cap your potential audience size. After all, everyone has a different preference for what platforms they spend their time on. You can widen your potential audience by being in more than one place.

How to repurpose your content

You can turn long-form content into social media posts or can create blog posts and videos out of short-form content.

Here's how:

1. Pick your best-performing content

Of course you can repurpose all of your content, but if you've already had something that performed well, you’ve already validated the topic. It's likely to appeal to new audiences.

2. Pick your platforms

Here's the good news: You don't have to be on every single platform (unless you really want to). But you do have to choose your platforms wisely. The 2 most important factors to consider are: organic reach and what works best with your original content.

For example, if you write blog articles or newsletters, you might choose platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, as they have a high reach and work well with writing. If you create video content, TikTok and Instagram might be a better choice.

There’s no hard-and-fast rule on where to grow an audience. But content creation is a long game, so it’s important to make it sustainable for yourself.

3. Learn what’s working well

Once you've chosen your platforms, study them.

Learn what types of content, formats, and topics would work well. You can also take advantage of the current trends, even if you're reusing old content.

4. Repurpose consistently

If you want to grow, you need to approach each platform with consistency.

Joe Gannon, the founder of Amplify, helps Ali Abdaal repurpose content on social media. He believes all of Ali's platforms have grown because they systematised content production, allowing for consistency.

If you can’t satisfy the platform’s need for consistency, it's not worth adding to your plate.

Top tips for repurposing content

Batch your repurposing

Batch similar tasks such as writing, filming, editing, and scheduling. You can use scheduling tools to help you save time in the long run. For example, when converting blog posts into tweets, use tools like Hypefury.

Hire a VA

You can outsource repurposing to virtual assistants. It’s a good option if you want to grow on multiple social platforms but don’t want to commit too much time to them. This can save you up to 20 hours per week.

Hire an agency

Amplify is an example of a repurposing content agency. They’ve helped creators like Ali Abdaal and Sahil Bloom increase their reach on social media. Hiring an agency is a more costly option, but it can increase your exposure quickly without requiring you to invest more time.

Final Thoughts

You've already put in the effort to create. Now it's time to leverage it. Don't ignore your existing content, make the most of it with repurposing.

If you want to hear how successful creators leverage their existing content, listen to Joe Gannon’s conversation with Akta on Creators On Air!


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