Bitcoin Breakdown

Bitcoin-only twice-weekly newsletter with the highest signal-to-noise ratio in the space.


👋 Hi there, I'm an ardent Bitcoin Maximalist giving back to the community through a popular newsletter that keeps subscribers updated on the most relevant and intriguing recent developments in the Bitcoin space.

The newsletter focuses on Bitcoin-only content. The Feature Stories and Tools & Projects sections are sent out on Tuesdays, while the Quick Bits and Quick Media feature sections briefly curate the most interesting and pertinent Bitcoin-related developments from the past week, and is sent out on Thursdays.

On this page, you'll find an opportunity for sponsorship and advertising, allowing you to not only support my work in promoting Bitcoin understanding and adoption, but to also connect with a passionate audience of dedicated and burgeoning bitcoiners alike.

What people are saying:


“I find the Bitcoin Breakdown newsletter extremely informative. In a world where we are under a constant barrage of information, this newsletter cuts through the noise and provides concise curated signal about the bitcoin news that matters.”

— @BTCtokoloshe

The Bitcoin Manual:

“It's hard for the average person to find the signal in all the noise between corporate media, influencers and paid shills all having a vested interest in seeing you get rekt; you don't stand much of a chance. Information asymmetry is the name of the game, and DYOR is easier said than done; where do you go? How do you find counter-arguments? Where do you go to debunk myths? Google? ChatGPT? Nah, they all compromised. Instead, look to those doing real proof of work. Bitcoin Breakdown gives you regular updates from a range of sources across the Bitcoin spectrum, so you can find solid resources and make up your own damn mind.”

— Che Kohler

Modulo Network:

“I appreciate how Bitcoin Breakdown distills and delivers core information on the week's news items—no repetitive information, straight to the point.”

— @Plotzy

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