UT Newsletter

Sharing the best digital marketing tools, websites, and startups with 23,000+ readers every week.

Classified Ad

Classified ads are text-only ads that are displayed at the bottom of the newsletter. Each classified ad can contain one link and a maximum of 150 characters (no images or emojis!)


per slot

Classified Ad example

An example of what your Sponsorship might look like in the newsletter.

Link to past issue

How it works

  1. Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)

  2. Booking confirmation

  3. Invoice & Payment

  4. Share your creative assets and copy

  5. The ad goes live

What do we need from you?

  • Title: 1 short sentence

  • Description: the description of your product (max 150 characters)

  • CTA text: Call to action text

  • Link: a link to your website


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