Workflow of the Month Partner

Sharing uncanny advice and resources to 1100+ freelancers who are taking a no-bullshit approach to running their businesses. Workflow of the Month helps freelancers & small teams streamline their business processes, in a bite-size way. Each month we focus on a specific workflow such as client onboarding, dissect the WHY behind what we're doing and develop ways to improve the customer and team experience. Paid subscribers receive exclusive content, tech demos, templates, etc. inside our private community.

Full Partner Package

As a partner of Workflow of the Month, you'll receive one long-form Youtube video and two short-form video cuts, one Twitter thread, and a dedicated newsletter blast; all presented as the featured tool of that month's workflow. We only collaborate with one partner per month. See our media kit for a sample partnership (


per slot

How does our partnerships work?

By clicking 'collaborate' below, you'll submit a request for the desired partner space. We review all requests prior to invoicing, and only work with one partner per month 😎 .

📆 Submit your partnership request

📝 We'll develop the partnership assets + both parties review for approval

🚀 Everything gets published!

What I need from you:

  • Partnership Pitch: Share the project brief and why you think we'd make a great team!

  • (after approval): Share brand assets, affiliate codes & discounts where applicable, and make sure to add our partnership to your content calendar for cross-posting.

We made need other items from you, depending on the deliverables.

Previous partnerships

Selected companies I have worked with


Partnership Breakdown | Paperform

Other case studies are available in our media kit (


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