The Percolator

A perfect brew to satiate your curiosity and fuel your ambition!

About The Percolator

The Percolator is a Substack publication that curates and creates the most interesting, thought-provoking and purposeful newsletters at the intersection of tech, business, & entrepreneurship.

The Percolator currently publishes three newsletters:

  1. The Sunday Brew - curated free newsletter keeping you informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, published every Sunday.

  2. Brewed for Work - weekly premium newsletter dedicated to helping readers grow personally and professionally, published every Tuesday.

  3. The Founder’s Brew - a weekly premium designed to serve up a unique blend of insights, stories & tips specifically crafted for founders, published every Thursday.

Who reads the Percolator?

The Percolator is read by 10,500+ subscribers who are senior business executives, entrepreneurs, business leaders and investors. The Percolator is read in 91 countries and 35 states within USA. Our subscribers primarily reside and work in India, United States of America and United Kingdom. (Last Updated: 23 March 2024)

Worldwide Subscriber Distribution

USA Subscribers Distribution

Why partner with The Percolator?

The Percolator is read by innovators, leaders, and decision-makers. They are the audience in front of whom you want to establish your brand as a reliable source of valuable insights and information. By partnering with The Percolator, you position your brand amidst cutting-edge discussions in technology, business, finance, and entrepreneurship.

As our content resonates with forward-thinking individuals actively seeking growth opportunities, your brand gains a prime opportunity to spark meaningful conversations and build lasting connections.

Some key objectives that The Percolator help you meet through our partnership are:

  • Establish Thought Leadership: Collaborating with The Percolator allows brands to contribute to thought-provoking discussions and share insightful perspectives on the latest industry trends, cementing their reputation as thought leaders and influencers within their respective fields.

  • Amplify Brand Identity: By aligning with The Percolator's carefully curated content, brands can amplify their unique identity and values.

  • Educational Engagement: The Percolator offers an avenue for brands to educate and inform readers. Sharing educational content not only benefits readers but also establishes the brand as a source of reliable and helpful information.

  • Enhance SEO and Gain Backlinks: Partnering with The Percolator provides brands with valuable backlinking opportunities, enhancing their SEO strategy. Guest contributions and content placement on our platform contribute to improved online visibility and authority.

Join us in the journey of empowering minds and shaping conversations that matter. Your brand's message deserves to thrive on The Percolator.

How it works

  1. Submit your request for your selected product and date(s)

  2. Booking confirmation

  3. Invoice & Payment

  4. Share your creative assets and copy

  5. The ad goes live

Previous partnerships

Selected companies we have worked with


Single Newsletter Takeover: Monthly

Combined takeover of all possible placements slots in a single newsletter.

The Sunday Brew: Monthly Takeover


A full month (4 issues) of exclusive presence in the header, footer and main ad of The Sunday Brew.



Header Ad

The Sunday Brew



Footer Ad

The Sunday Brew



Main Ad

The Sunday Brew

Book now

The Founder's Brew: Monthly Takeover


A full month (4 issues) of exclusive presence includes full featured post in two issues and all other placements in all issues.



Solo Newsletter Sponsor

The Founder's Brew



Dedicated Newsletter

The Founder's Brew

Book now

Brewed for Work: Monthly Takeover


A full month (4 issues) of exclusive presence includes full featured post in two issues and all other placements in all issues.



Dedicated Newsletter

Brewed for Work



Solo Newsletter Sponsor

Brewed for Work

Book now

Looking for a custom collaboration?

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